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Old 21-09-2011, 03:53 PM
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by mattie
It might be worth using an Internet search engine to try to determine how much soy would have to be consumed to be an issue w/ the phytoestrogens. It may be that eating a small amount of dietary soy wouldn’t be an issue.
This is a link to a vegan website that is written by two vegan registered dieticians. The page which is very well written and has references and documentation, opens to a discussion on the issues surrounding soy consumption and it's safety. In a nutshell, based on all available evidence, soy has benefits and it has drawbacks and ultimately the suggestion is that a varied diet that can include a bit of soy is optimal. At the end of the article it suggests that two or three servings per day, for a healthy person, male or female, is reasonable.

Virginia Messina who is an assistant professor at Loma Linda University and her husband, Mark Messina is also an associate professor there. The other RD who is mentioned in the page credits at the top is Jack Norris and he has written some good articles concerning other aspects of vegan nutrition (B12 and calcium and vitamin D).

I think for anyone interested in maximum vegan health, this is a website to bookmark. The people who write it are experts and they are vegans and they seem very careful to provide links to assist in further investigation.
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