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Old 16-09-2011, 12:19 PM
Posts: n/a
Sangress, I really like your concept of the spirit world as a sort of balanced ecosystem, with entities fitting a particular energy niche to make a whole. That's a really cool idea. It reminds me a little of something a friend of mine told me once. He said there are spirits out there who would "eat" you, but in the way that a lion would eat a gazelle. that it's just a part of their nature and it's not necessary to think of it as "evil".

You seem to know a lot more about shadow nature than I do. Maybe when I say I'm not seeking them out or inviting them in, that could be true on a conscious level. But the emotional pain in me is drawing them. Like blood in the water would draw a shark. I will have to think about that more.

As for what I understand about shadow entities, very little. All of my encounters with them have been something akin to home invasion/attempted rape type scenarios. They're rarely in the mood to sit and chat over a cup of tea All I really know is that as you said there are dark beings that have no human form, that have probably never incarnated as human on earth. They appear to me as smaller than human size, sometimes slightly animal looking or they will have no shape and just be a kind of mist or a cloud. Sometimes they just want to climb around on the walls or the ceiling and watch me, other times they dart across the room and "jump" on me, which tends to black out my vision for a second. And there are shadow beings that look perfectly human, which might be people who have died physically and for whatever reason decided to take up feeding on low vibrations. I have not had any of those human ones try to jump me. They prefer to stand at the end of the bed and watch me. One of them last year was very strong, very distinct almost like a physical person standing there. That was the being that sucked all the air out of the room and I felt like there was a weight crushing me onto the bed. I also heard a ringing tone in my ears. No idea what that was all about.

I remember several years back one human looking shadow that was running through the woods following me as I was driving to work. I remember thinking how odd that was because I hardly ever see them when I'm away from home. Later that night as I was coming back, the car skidded on a patch of drifted snow and I landed in the ditch. This was on a sub-zero night with a pretty stiff wind, and I was not dressed for the walk home. It was on the same stretch of road where I had seen my little friend earlier. So I guess either he caused the accident, or sensed it was going to happen and was waiting for the dinner bell to ring.

That's about the extent of anything useful that I can share. The techniques I have developed to protect myself were based mostly on trial and error. Asking some protecting angel or guide to intervene and help me has never once gotten rid of a shadow being. Almost like everyone is standing back and waiting for me to handle it on my own. I treat my experiences as some kind of training, for a purpose I am not aware of.
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