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Old 05-09-2011, 09:44 PM
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Who Are LWs? Doreen Virtue

Summarized from ‘The Healing Power of Lightworkers.’

LWs made the decision before incarnating to help w/ the energies of this planet & its people. These purposes vary considerably. Some are high profile & some aren’t. All are equally important.

LWs often feel the urge to heal, improve socioeconomic & environmental issues, are inclined to work w/ energy, have had mystical experiences, often w/o trying, easily understand the nonphysical world, feel an urge to work w/ others, write, or teach about energetic issues, have an unexplained sense of urgency about needing to DO something, even though often what this is that we need to do isn’t clear. Many all around the plant are having the same feelings, hearing clear the drumbeat that they are here for a reason.

Many are having their spiritual abilities unfold. While Virtue refers to these as gifts, these are innate energetic abilities that everyone has. These abilities include doing many types of energy work that can extend to planetary, galactic, & universal work as well as the more traditional energy work such as being a medium, psychic, or healer.

LWs only need to release limitations & fear to be effective. No fancy preparation is needed. One need not be a particular level of awareness to be an active LW. LWs are here to be real people, so resist the urge to feel that one has to be a mythically perfect spiritual automaton. Develop the flexibility to honor one’s ups & downs, KNOWing that one can easily rebalance one’s energies.

In the rest of this paragraph I would take issue w/ the statement that our power comes from God, not from us, however this should be viewed in the context that this can be useful, even necessary, for those who’ve not stepped fully into their energetic sovereignty & are still influenced heavily by the organized religion view that we are empty vessels only able to hold what we are given by God. For many who are tasked w/ outreach to the general public, these transitional ideas are useful for those who are moving from organized religion’s beliefs. Virtually all of the bookstore new age or post-organized religion spiritual authors have this public outreach function which is invaluable work w/ the awakening process. This power is our accessing our innate power that is our right as FULL PARTNERS w/ the Universe.

The only limitations we have are those we place on our self in regards to our healing abilities. Our focused intent is extremely powerful when we move past our limitations. LWs continue to learn about manifestation & creating their own reality as they master their thoughts & learn about working w/ our energies & those of the energy environment (all external energies). We learn valuable energy techniques such as discharging energies from our personal energy field

Discharging Energetic Refuse That Arises As We Expand Our Consciousness-

Many have had the unexplained urge to do some sort of healing lately. This is like a psychic help wanted ad for us to activate. Many have had this feeling & not known what it was, but realized that it was very strong. TRUST that you will find your purpose. Some roles are highly visible or doing things such as energy work & some are singular & private, but no roles are more important than the others. Never underestimate the considerable value of raising one’s own awareness in affecting the collective consciousness.

Last edited by mattie : 05-09-2011 at 11:09 PM.
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