Thread: 2012 Explained
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Old 25-08-2011, 06:25 PM
Council Of Nine
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by Tysklar
Hahahahaha.... Sad!

Look into our true History here on Earth...

There is no evidence for genetic evolution, no science supports the THEORY.
Evolution is a faith based religion of death. 'They' are deceiving you to fulfil their own agenda. Your masters teach you evolution but know better themselves.

Cosmic Evolution - No evidence supporting 'Big Bang' (evidence against it tho)
Stella Evolution - No evidence showing stars form from vapour clouds.
Chemical Evolution - No evidence supporting atomic transmutation.
Organic Evolution - No evidence how life started from 'non-life'
Micro evolution/variation of species - This one is real (adaption)
Macro evolution - No evidence!

You want to believe evolution that's up to you. But evolution is a faith based religion, there is no proof, evolution is NOT Science... Those that follow said religion, are fkd up in the head! FACT!

I believe you are missing how Spiritual Reality is... We don't need to climb out of the slime, We are Divine...

By the mere suggestion of evolution you are saying there is something wrong with all life.
I see that Life in all it's guises has a role to play, a place to be, a duty to serve in The Higher Body. You are missing this fact. You think you are special...

I expect you'll disagree and show yourself up some more...

I 'll say it again... EVOLUTION IS NOT SCIENCE

Apart from your post being derogatory what makes you think your THEORY is the right one?
I will return your comments as something I would see from a Christian who has no concept of reality and is blinded by to much faith in a mainly fictitious book called the bible.
If you read more of my posts you will find that I do not support the BIG BANG THEORY, I support "The Reciprocal System" or "Universe Of Motion" maybe you should go and read a little more before passing judgement.

I have searched for the answer for many years and I am VERY sure I know exactly what has happened, is happening and will happen, furthermore if you really feel this way about the course of this thread I suggest you return to the Christian forum and leave the debate to some of us more ENLIGHTENED entities.
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