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Old 16-08-2011, 08:35 AM
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Bach Rescue Remedy

Is this the Bach RR?

When the friend had the major anxiety issues the local health food store said the Bach RR was appropriate for very mild anxiety, but not what they were dealing w/. They tried it & couldn’t tell that it did anything, but I wouldn’t take this to mean it wouldn’t be useful for mild anxiety.

I also asked them about the supplement Holy Basil as it is a calmative supplement. Again, they advised this was for very mild anxiety.

What worked for this person who had very serious anxiety was L ‘Theanine, SAM-E, PharmaGABA, & 5-HTP & a therapist skilled at treating PTSD w/ EMDR. These all do different things. These supplements shouldn’t be used w/ prescriptions neurotransmitter meds w/o carefully checking drug/supplement interaction.

The L ‘Theanine is very good for blunting anxiety & is taken only when anxiety or acute stress arises.
This isn’t medical advice.
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