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Old 20-07-2011, 10:46 PM
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Angels and Guides


Im new to this forum! I love the discussions here! =)

Angels are pure light beings, usually Angels have never had any physical incarnations however, they might sometimes feel they can help more by being in a physical body. However, there are many types of angels. Every person has their own guardian angel by their side throughout their entire life and beyond. Most people tend to have three around them. Angels are the best friends that can make things happen, help you in fulfilling your dreams, comfort you if you are sad, guide you to the right direction and dance with you when you are happy.
Guides on the other hand are used to describe usually a soul of a person that works for your Highest good and always guides you and helps you. Like your great grandma or a wise Native American, even an Ascended Master like Jesus/Sananda. Of course if a soul was not very advanced in their life time, they make poor spirit guides. Guides (or Angels) never tell you what you should do but they show you options, and give you ideas you can use by listening to your own heart and judgement.

Guides are usually more "practical" Ive noticed. Like when something happens and angels say: "All is well, Don't worry, be at peace" =) which is absolutely wonderful and great advice but Guides may have a more practical solution, since they understand more what its like to be in a physical body and face the challenges of this type of existing.

Personally I communicate mostly with the Angels and I absolutely love their company. Communication is actually easy, just ask and you will receive! Close your eyes and let the Angels find a way that works for you to hear their loving messages.

Anu Shi Asta
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