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Old 16-07-2011, 01:00 PM
Posts: n/a
Another explanation is that the victim (and sometimes the perpetrator as well) dissociate during the abuse and this effects recall because it effects experience. This is the way that many trauma experts view amnesia of traumatic episodes. I have an 'inside view' of this and I'm still not sure. I know that I have one memory and it is the last time that abuse occurred. Beyond that, I have memories of thinking or talking about it afterward and of feeling guilty about it... wondering about telling my mom.... that type of thing. But as far as memories of the abuse... only one remains. And even through hypnosis, it has not been necessary for me up to this point to remember the others. If there is some reason to do it at some point, then my body and spiritual guide will know. I've found a great deal of trust in the process and let go of any need to remember or not remember. What comes up is what is important for current barriers and hurdles in my current life. Residues from past messages that replay in the subconscious mind and dictate my actions... these can be brought to the conscious and reframed/ changed. The memories themselves are not changed (using the Heart Centered model) but power is given back where it was taken (at the source) and one is able to see the truth rather than the distorted picture with incorrect messages and misplaced shame and guilt. :)

Cheers ~
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