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Old 04-04-2007, 02:09 AM
Posts: n/a

Hello Janspirit,

Only you can know what is right - and I agree, in many ways the chronological age of an individual may be a poor representative of their "true" age or place. You just have to follow your heart! I think it's wonderful that you're striving to find your Twin Flame! I found mine 6 years ago, and our life has been quite the fairy tale ever since. I always believed that one day I'd find him, although some of my prior experiences almost had me giving up, thank goodness I didn't! Best of luck in your romantic adventure! If he's right, you'll have no doubts. But perhaps, if you have some, it's because deep down you're still seeking? No one can know but you hon. I wish you fiery blessings as you discover him, whether he's here today or just around the corner for you. Whatever you do, don't give up until he's in your arms.

All the best~