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Old 03-04-2007, 09:28 PM
Posts: n/a
In my view, as long as that someone you are attracted to isn't a minor, and you're not breaking any laws, then go for it Mrs Robertson, lol. Just kidding.

Personally though, I'm good with the idea of a younger-older, whatever gender, relationships. Age is a measuring tool, yet I tend to use maturity as a tool too.

However, I'm also a mother to a 15 year old (a minor), and if she was to get involved with some older man 20+ her age I would send his butt to jail. When she is of legal consenting age, then fine for me if it's fine for her.

I hopeful my daughter will avoid the predators in life as she has up till now, I can only do my best to educate her on what is appropriate by law and what is not.

By the way, my daughter's dad is 14years my senior. We seperated when my daughter was two yrs. In my case, looking back, cringe, I regretted the age difference & loathed him for a while as I felt he took advantage of a young girl (me) at an obviously, vulnerable age and time in my life. I'm wiser now, we still maintain good cooperative relationship, and he's a great loving dad to me daughter. I made peace with this part of my angelicious history a long time ago, and life is totally richer because of the experience.

Last edited by angelicious : 03-04-2007 at 09:43 PM.