Thread: Owl & Spirit?
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Old 02-07-2011, 04:41 PM
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by Lady of the Mountain
In my culture, owls are the most sacred of birds. I can't really say why because I don't really know, and those who do know are very hush-hush when the word Owl is mentioned. All I do know is that they are messengers, able to travel through the barrier that separates life from death. Who they carry their messages from and to is beyond me. Oh, and they're also guardians of a sort. I found this out just a few weeks ago when an almost complete stranger (to me, known to my mother) walked up and told me I have an owl sitting on my shoulder. Funny, because before that I was told a wolf stood beside me.
A wolf and an owl, all I need is a dolphin and I'll have land, air and water surrounding me.

That's very interesting! I do believe the owl gives me messages at times. I see owl decor, owl clothing, hear them at night at times! My friend just gave me an owl necklace, not aware at the time that there would be meaning behind it. I feel a strong connection with owls. They are beautiful :)
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