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Old 01-07-2011, 12:47 AM
Posts: n/a
A Variety Of Energy Work Can Be Done With Natural Disasters

It might be useful to add that energy or prayers go to aid Best Highest Purpose. Sometimes it is hard to determine exactly what this might be, particularly when dealing w/ large natural disasters that cause so much human suffering. It is important to not thwart the various processes that the planet needs to adjust its energies as this will result in even more cataclysmic events.

In this case, Best Highest Purpose might have something to do w/ bringing attention to the vulnerability of nuclear materials to natural disasters. Right on the heels of Japan’s natural disaster w/ the tsunami that created a melt down at their nuclear plant this seems to be more than a coincidence.

Another US nuclear plant is currently threatened by a major flood, but is supposed to be not a problem.

By noting that it can be useful to add in that energy goes to Best Highest Purpose doesn’t mean in any way that asking for human suffering to be spared is inconsistent w/ allowing this event to bring attention to how vulnerable nuclear facilities are to natural disasters. Both can be accomplished.

For those interested in this type of energy work one can ask to be used as a conduit or portal, such as is safe for their physical & nonphysical body, to send energy to this event & discharge any energy that the planet needs to send back to the Universe. Energy can flow both ways in the planet (a live energy- 9D) achieving balance. It is of the UTMOST importance to add in that one be used in a manner that is safe for their physical & nonphysical body.

The Universe takes our instructions very literally & isn’t an energetic nanny, modifying them if we unintentionally ask for something wrong. For instance, one should never ask for earthquakes (volcanoes, or other natural disasters) NOT to occur as this could be cataclysmic if the planet’s plates were prevented from adjusting. We can, however, help mitigate this energy & ask for these adjustments to occur w/ a minimum of destruction & keeping people safe. When many join in w/ this energy work much can be accomplished.

Thank you for posting this to bring attention to this raging wildfire. The US southwest is in a severe drought. Many areas in Texas, New Mexico, & Arizona are experiencing serious very large fires. Energy has already been sent. As these events are ongoing, doing energy work w/ them repeatedly can be useful. Stay safe.
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