Thread: Acid Reflux
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Old 23-06-2011, 06:27 PM
Neth Rana
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by SunMist
Do you take in chocolate or coffee? If you do try cutting them out completely (yes, agony I know) for a month. Have you tried googling for all things that weaken the esophageal sphincter? There's a list of foods that do this. Also did they rule out hiatal hernia when they did your tests? I've have problems with acid reflux mainly triggered by coffee and chocolate, dark chocolate is the worst - it's a shame because I love those foods above all.

I do from time to time, but I had to cut back big time. They do really hurt me Which sucks, because I LOVE both of them! But yeah, I cut back on them both severely so. Idk.

Originally Posted by Spiritlite
Have you been to see a ENT specialist? In this case I would go the medical way because this is a very serious thing :(
I have actually. I’m a singer and I went through a three month period where I couldn’t sing when I was 15. After going to several places and doctors, they finally sent me to an ENT. They did the camera up your nose and down your throat thing, and he said my vocal chords were red and inflamed. He’s the one who sent me to the hospital to get the yucky stomach test.
Originally Posted by norseman
Hi Neth ! I suffer with that condition too. Anyway, one simple thing you can do is to prop up your bed. I use thick shopping catalogues and put them under the bed's legs at the head-end..
The medical recommendation is to raise the bed by 8 inches but that is excessive IMO.
There is a medication for this which cuts back on acid production - Lansoprazole is the generic name [prescription only in UK]
Actually, my bed is propped! You’re right, it does help a lot. But it still doesn’t always prevent it. :(

Originally Posted by iolite
Did the doctor mention WHY you have reflux? Hiatal Hernia is a common cause and can be repaired. There HAS to be a reason that the valve at the top of your stomach is not staying tightly closed. Common foods such as coffee, and chocolate are known reflux triggers, especially at night before bed. It is also possible that there are foods in your daily diet that you are sensitive to, if not allergic to. Keeping a food diary might be helpful. Were you given the breath test for h.pylori?

Do you use nsaids like ibuprophen and aleve regularly? They are known to cause reflux too.

I had a bout of reflux over a period of months. I finally traced it to the aleve I was taking at night for back pain.

I’m pretty sure it’s not hiatal hernia. I’ve cut back and cut a lot of those kind of foods out completely…not sure about allergies though. I’ve never been tested for food allergies…What’s the breath test? And yes, I used to take TONS of advil all the time. I get really severe headaches that can turn into migraines, and I used to take advil to help with the pain. But then I started getting really bad nose bleeds, and someone told me they hurt acid reflux, so I stopped taking it. I try not to take any pills at all because they do make it worse. (though sometimes I have to take Excedrin because I can’t handle the pain..)

Thank you so much to everyone’s suggestions! I really appreciate your all’s input!
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