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Old 09-06-2011, 04:09 PM
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Originally Posted by pre-dawn
Absolute Nothingness must be the foundation for a successful interfaith dialogue.

Are we prepared to abandon all knowledge, opinions, notions, beliefs, scriptures, ideas, and start with a blank slate? No, start blank, without even a slate, even leaving the idea of interfaith behind?

What is left then?

Maybe just an encounter, human being to human being.

My answer is No. Read the following verse from SGGS Page 290

When this world had not yet appeared in any form,
who then committed sins and performed good deeds?
When the Lord Himself was in Profound Samaadhi,
then against whom were hate and jealousy directed?
When there was no color or shape to be seen,
then who experienced joy and sorrow?
When the Supreme Lord Himself was Himself All-in-all,
then where was emotional attachment, and who had doubts?
He Himself has staged His own drama;
O Nanak, there is no other Creator. ||1||

When there was only God the Master,
then who was called bound or liberated?
When there was only the Lord, Unfathomable and Infinite,
then who entered hell, and who entered heaven?
When God was without attributes, in absolute poise,
then where was mind and where was matter?
When He held His Own Light unto Himself,
then who was fearless, and who was afraid?
He Himself is the Performer in His own plays;
O Nanak, the Lord Master is Unfathomable and Infinite. ||2||
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