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Old 09-06-2011, 06:02 AM
Posts: n/a
Muted Blue I am sorry to hear about your dad

Its great to see so many of us wont have these regrets on our deathbed, i certainly wont.

No 5 is a great one and something i wished for when i was younger , not so much happier, just wish i didnt restrict myself so much, but its turned me into who i am today so im happy.

XAN., I think i read somewhere to ask your self if you were to die tomorow , what would be your biggest regret ? And if so why arent you doing something to change it !!! I loved it so thats my philosophy now.

My other FAVOURITE saying is..... whats affecting you today , will it affect you in 5 years ? and if not let it go .....its not going to matter latter so dont let it matter now !!
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