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Old 08-06-2011, 03:31 PM
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by tilia
it's interesting how different oils work for people, I have at least 2 friends who get migraines from lavender... yet others swear by it for headaches. I take peppermint oil for upset stomach, it gives my dad stomach cramps... go figure!!

I find it to be the same with crystals and gemstones. There's all kinds of literature that describes the attributes of each, but I find it can vary from person to person, and therefore I advise everyone to pick the stone up and hold it and see what they feel with/from/towards it. For me, the first thing that attracts me to one is the appearance. If I find it beautiful and it draws me in, likely it has properties I will benefit from. I also hold them to see how they make me feel. And of course it goes without saying one should ALWAYS cleanse and clear any crystal one purchases from a store where it's been handled by both staff and customers alike. Crystals store and amplify energy, and you don't want one you expect to work for your benefit all muddied up with the energy of one or more people who handled it prior to you...!
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