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Old 25-02-2007, 09:37 AM
Posts: n/a
I believe that we have all we have learned in our use. It may be dormant but can easily be learned again. Or, when evolving, I am pretty sure we can just activate the past life skills as happened to me.

If thinking about normal things, I started to ride a horse when I was small girl. I knew immediately how it goes and I never took a basic course but directly to advanced level. I just knew the thing and became really good without too much effort. So I just used skills I already had from past life experiences. But what brought this up, I think it was passion what did that. Passion for doing it, and it evoke the skills. This is just an example but there are many others as well. Normal things of daily life which I just somehow know.

Other things was the way I started to do healing. I knew without any courses the certain principles I used. I was also very much familiar with tibetan buddhism even though I have never read about it. Once I went to pranic healing courses, I understood that the method I had used was very similar to pranic healing, which is actually moderated from tibetan ways of healing and spiritual practises. I knew them already from my past lives.

Many of us have lives on Atlantis, and just forgotten the ways of teleportation, levitation, master healing etc advanced stuff. So all these are on our use when we evolve enought and can store more light to our bodies and cleanse old stuff away. Most of the advanced stuff can be done when stored energy into certain place in a body called "dan tien". It is below the navel.

But, not only our own past life stuff, later we are able to connect totally to the mass bank of skills and download needed skills from there, no matter have we known them before or not. So when evolving to the level that we do not separate ourselves from other anymore, we will be able to access this "bank of knowledge" and use it, as we are One.

Lots of light