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Old 25-02-2007, 06:01 AM
Mandi Neill
Posts: n/a

Hello Angelicious,

I totally get where you are comming from.

This explaination came from a Wayne Dyer cd, and I really like the way he sums it up.

If you have an apple pie, and take a slice of that apple pie and put it on a dish. Then ask that slice of apple pie "What are you like?" The slice MUST be like what it came from. It cannot be a peach pie, or a chocolate cake, or anything other than like what it came from. If what we came from is unlimited souce, then we must be like what we came from, unlimited source.

So my theory is that I look for the experts, the masters in the field, and by doing so, I am a conduit to the world...???

Seems to fit the pattern of my life. I am connected to people from every walk of life. So whatever somebody else needs, I am the person that everybody goes to for help in finding someone or someway to make whatever it is happen.

Would you consider that a talent? As an example, I checked out your web site, and my girlfriend in Washington state, just north of California, really likes beautiful things like that so I sent her a link... and the only thing I would get from that is that she would reply to my e-mail, about your link, and say "Wow, aren't those beautiful sculptures, or paintings, or isn't that a pretty purple, ..." What she likes isn't as valuable to me as much as the fact that she will get those warm fuzzies. Make sense?