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Old 05-06-2011, 09:23 PM
Posts: n/a
Hi Lightfilledheart, thanks for the heads up on Pine and Spruce, I will look into them.

For what I want to do a crystal wouldn't be appropriate. I have a wonderful Sheelite stone that grounds me beautifully, but is too big to carry... but I am investigating other forms of grounding methods at the moment and thought oils/smell would be an interesting angle....

Spiritlight... it's interesting how different oils work for people, I have at least 2 friends who get migraines from lavender... yet others swear by it for headaches. I take peppermint oil for upset stomach, it gives my dad stomach cramps... go figure!!

I may end up dowsing a list to see which oil would be best, but it's interesting to hear from others.
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