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Old 20-05-2024, 08:33 AM
Bluefonsy Bluefonsy is offline
Join Date: Oct 2014
Posts: 69
Sparrow, the whole thing about not taking yourself too seriously. This is kind of my natural inclination and I like it. After-all, most of us on this planet are just scared/confused/unhappy so if we are cruel it’s just because of that rather than a true reaction to the energy of others. However. Often when I speak to psychic advisors/mediums/channellers I get messages about standing up for myself, challenging rude comments, not letting people walk all over me.
So I get very confused, because if it’s only words shouldn’t I just stay in my own power and ignore it, but I feel compelled to take it seriously and become worked up through some sort of social expectation which is even being re-enforced by others in forward thinking spiritually minded communities.
I have acted in a light, whimsical fashion before and it has been taken very badly by certain people. Especially other males. When I was younger I was more devil may care and just wanted to have fun, the state of being you described. Many other males literally called me ‚a joke’ to my face.
Sometimes I really grated on others nerves and was attacked. The energy of it reminds me of this interview.
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