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Old 06-05-2024, 10:44 AM
God-Like God-Like is offline
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Originally Posted by Elements
I am just wondering if there are any art channellers here? Channeling spirit through oneself producing on canvas..

Hi :)

Many years ago when I was on my lunch break at work I would grab hold of a pencil and start doodling. It went on for a while, not thinking anything about it. What I was doodling was a right mess to be honest. I don't tend to have any skills in this department lol.

As someone who works with spirit in many areas I have lots of spirit contacts that were well known in their fields of work. Some were famous artists, poets, scientists etc, but I didn't pay attention too much to any particular field.

One day I had a reading and the channeler said that I had artists working with me. I said well that's possible but I don't do that sort of thing. I was more focused on my healing work more than anything else at that time.

Well cut a long story short I continue to put a bit of time by each and every Sunday morning to do my drawings. They are more like caricatures than what I would call works of art.

I have had over the years a lot of cartoonists like Jack Kirby, Charles Shultz and Charles Biro but many are what we would call masters.

There were a few videos I have seen where channellers go into complete trance and even paint with their fingers with their eyes closed. This is awesome.

I am aware of a previous life as an understudy to one of the masters and I believe that at a point in one's life one can draw upon many qualities.

I see a resemblance in connecting with creativity with spirit or the universe as I do with healing.

Perhaps it's another post in itself, but whatever you do or end up doing I wish you well.

x daz x
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