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Old 03-05-2024, 12:01 AM
JustBe JustBe is offline
Join Date: Jun 2018
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Originally Posted by Baile
After I posted what I did, I re-read your reply, and I saw you were simply communicating thoughts and truths in a very general way, as I do. I looked again at what I wrote and thought, I should edit and remove any words of mine that even vaguely suggest I feel I'm being judged by you. I didn't listen to myself, I have to admit.
Thanks JustBe, cheers.
That be correct -thank you. And thanks for being so honest Baile. Not many would be open to themselves in this situation on here and express that truth of themselves.

Judgement of you would mean I’m judging my own processors, connections and realisations, I’m not going to do that to myself. My wisdom knows it doesn’t have a place in my process now.

As you’ve ascertained, we are similar in how we share in a general way of our own realisations and connections.

The rebirthing, I had in New York of all places ( I’m in Australia) wasn’t anticipated but it was the perfect setting and perfect faces as they were for me to see things unfold both outwardly and inwardly. I saw myself go through processors that mimicked losses early on in myself. The awakening was letting go, the rebirth was to do it all over without fear to feel, remain open and move through things fast. But sadly I had to enter into some heavy places once more to see myself as things were, as I could be now. Feeling fully without fear into one’s most vulnerable being.

It’s been over ten years since that time, I’ve climbed back up that mountain, but the hits in the feeling body weren’t always kind from outside sources, but without them and myself, consciously allowing myself, to feel through and let go of my part, I wouldn’t be standing here as clear as I am now. So I’m grateful for them all as hard as it was at times to stay present in myself.

I think we each weave our individuation ( unique piece) as one whole shared reality. I like how still waters relates the shared flow together. We each hold keys to each other, but it’s not always consciously known or seen. Being you more open and effortlessly without any impingement upon others, means-opportunities, for each unique piece, can shine as itself. If it’s harsh and irate, that too teaches me how I feel and my own presence.

Yesterday I had a young man who was very vocal and confusing in his manner. He was forceful and at times navigating myself with him was a little jarring. I remained open in myself and saw my potentials open with less struggle and more ease. After he left, the lady waiting, started to openly admit her fear and judgement upon him. She even felt she should stay with me in the shop in case. We had a little chat about how easy things can turn in these times. She openly admitted she would never have judged or worried in previous times. So as I listened to her and him previously, I saw myself in the middle, being present with all sides of myself past, present and future.

To stand fully open to yourself and life as life is right now, is really an opportunity to dig deeper into your own grounding and self care. source your own unique balance as you need for you. I’m always checking into my progress, where I’m at, how far I’ve travelled. I’m not about to curl up to myself or life, after taking this long to find myself again.. lol.
Free from all thought of “I” and “mine”, that man finds utter peace. ~Bhagavad Gita
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