Thread: Earth Day
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Old 22-04-2024, 06:43 PM
Starman Starman is offline
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Earth Day

Today is Earth Day, Earth Day started back in 1970 when people who were called “ecologist” bought attention to how human beings are polluting our planet. So much has happened over the past 54-years since the first Earth Day, but one thing is evident, we have had, and are currently undergoing, a major global climate change.

There are people who do not believe in climate change or global warming, some say it is a natural process and not man-made. It may be a natural process but in my opinion humanity has put that process in high gear. Today there are more than one million species, mostly insects, that are in danger from global warming. Insects that human beings depend on whether they know it or not.

People say we have to save the Earth but I believe it is the human species which needs saving. With rapid and extreme climate change the human race is in danger of extinction, not the earth. We pollute our oceans, our air, and land, all for our own comforts. The planet will survive and violently react to this pollution but the human race may not survive.

I feel like one of the major issues which is not being addressed is human overpopulation. In my life-time the human population of this planet has doubled. Brazil has cut down a portion of the Amazon rainforest to build houses for an increased human population, and also to have more farmland to feed that increased population. The more people there are the larger the carbon footprint.

This is all just my opinion, so what do you think of global warming and climate change as it relates to the human species. I know some will feel it does not matter, others may think it’s a money maker for those selling solar panels and electric cars; we are each entitled to our opinion.
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