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Old 20-04-2024, 02:44 PM
weareunity weareunity is offline
Join Date: Jan 2017
Posts: 776
Hello Golcup7 and all.

StarTrek has taken many of us to places, circumstances, dilemmas, adventures etc to which we may not have ventured before. In my case not particularly boldly however---mostly leaning back on the sofa.

What such programmes can do is offer glimpses of realities which differ from the perception of reality to which we have become accustomed maybe?

We might also suggest that some teachings may also have a tendency to do likewise?

Further,--we could also suggest that some states of mind are either bought about or are the result of our minds translating through lenses offering differing perspectives to what is considered "normal". ---and we also know that certain conditions/conditioning and certain chemicals can alter our perception of reality.

So it seems fair to say that we know that our perceptions of reality can change/can be changed ?

If we believe that such change is possible, then yet further questions which we may like to ponder arise. Amongst them :---can we ourselves independently choose to change our personal perception of reality, and for what purpose might we decide to do so, what deters us from doing so?

This sort of discussion/exploration may seem abstract, airy fairy, removed from reality---there's that word again--reality. Hey ho.

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