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Old 18-04-2024, 02:03 AM
FallingLeaves FallingLeaves is online now
Join Date: Mar 2014
Posts: 6,563
it is called 'being attached to outcomes'.

If you think there is a preferred way things should turn out, you will of course think there is a right way to get to that outcome. and try to avoid all the ways that won't work to get there. As if you actually have enough knowledge to make the distinction accurately.

Which is a big problem because we ALL want what we want. All want OUR OWN outcome to turn up heads. That means we all think there are specific things we HAVE TO DO at all costs and other things WE CANT DO at any cost.
Otherwise, we think, out aspirations are out of reach.

As a people, if we were able to come to agreement about any (otherwise arbitrary) outcome we would just end up spiritually dead because there would be nothing left but to make it happen. To always do the correct things and never do anything that was even remotely incorrect. Ad infinitum. And then what could come next? If your only concern is to always be correct where is the freedom to ever make a change? Won't you always only be studying how to be correct with the intent of becoming perfectly correct?

Fortunately, god had the sense to put us at odds with one another, we can't agree to outcomes in any big way at least not for long periods, thus we can't agree to the methods to get there thus we are constantly in a tug of war and there is some semblance of continuation as we each try for the upper hand in the name of our own one true way... and if we gain it one day we are guaranteed we will again lose it the next. And on and on and on.

but god seems to like it for now as it means we can't kill ourselves on the sword of correctness.... no matter how correct we decide to get this week something will baffle our considerations and force us to let go. Even though we very much won't want to.
So we hate our lives but we won't do the one thing that we have to do to end this: quit being selfish and following our own desires, and listen to what god is actually saying. Not what we want him to be saying because of the way our own interpretation of it makes us feel, but to what he is actually saying.

Much more fun though to keep being deluded with the idea we are actually getting somewhere than to look deeply at it and find out we simply aren't.

Well it feels good, what we are doing, and how could that be a bad thing?
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