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Old 17-04-2024, 04:28 PM
Gatekeeper517 Gatekeeper517 is offline
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Posts: 10
Originally Posted by JustBe
You can only take on what you yourself still hold within you in some way.

If you’re flowing freely as you, unimpeded, then the external flows through you in the same way.

So it’s always good to notice yourself and what taking that on in you means to you.

You can do all kinds of protective measures, but the reality is, if your not consciously releasing your part, you’ll shelve and often times, I’ve seen where eventually, it all landed on the lap of the one, dismissing their part in this shared space.

Most people are oblivious to their engagements with each other. It doesn’t matter what space shared you’re in, being more aware of you in it, supports you to notice everything going on inside you. Be aware more consistently of you.

Most humans are in behavioural entanglements with each other. Many unaware of what this means as ‘life interacting with you’.

This, and the other posts, make some sense to me. My question is what if we are just flawed. Not in a judgement way, just as a "it is what it is" way. Like a person with a bad leg walking.

I have trouble removing myself from myself as it is. How can I let another's shard through/go? I can't remove the my limp as it is. I have trouble tricking myself until it works. I have doubt.
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