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Old 17-04-2024, 01:08 AM
weareunity weareunity is offline
Join Date: Jan 2017
Posts: 776
Hello all.

Continuing from previous post following further stumbling:--

There is a way of being, a mode of behaviour, which is harmonious with the perception that existence is, --always has been, and always will be--one complete interconnected, interdependent, inclusive process.

This mode of behaviour is The Way, and has the characteristics of that behaviour which our species experiences and describes as being loving.

"Our" personal realisation that this is "true", that this the case, that this so, can be sudden and dramatic.

This "realisation" can be likened to a personal step sideways away from the path of evolution which we had considered to be constant driven by constant adaptation to circumstances across time.

This further stumbling "explanation" is itself an inadequate attempt imo.--and is also much limited by being my "opinion".

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