Thread: Violence
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Old 14-04-2024, 04:22 PM
Starman Starman is offline
Join Date: May 2016
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Wonderful discussion, thank you all for your excellent contributions. I especially was drawn to what Falling Leaves said; how we think we know what is best for others. Yes, violence is repulsive to our senses and it intrudes into people’s lives with a forceful impact of pain, and often ends the lives of many.

But the Prime Mover, that which many refer to as “God” allows violence to exist. Even religions which worship God have been very violent; Shunning, or killing the other person because they did not believe the same way. Violence seems to be part of the natural order of creation.

I embrace that duality is inherent in creation and violence is but an extreme polarity of that duality. War and peace being at opposite ends. But there is a peace which surpasses understanding, a peace which is much more than just the absence of war. Bringing that peace into this world may mean the end of duality. Can we truly give up all of our likes and dislikes? A nonjudgmental species?

A scorpion stings you because that is its’ nature; we often think of human beings as more evolved than insects and animals but are we really? I feel humanity does have the capability to transcend the human state of being, transforming ourselves from homo sapiens to homo spiritualists. One spirit, one primordial vibration. There is much to overcome.
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