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Old 14-04-2024, 07:43 AM
Maisy Maisy is offline
Join Date: Jan 2022
Posts: 1,650
I think it's pretty amazing how few details are given in the biblical account of creation. Like say God is going to create a lizard. How does God do that? Imagines it out of nothing? But then also imagines it's DNA? I just saw this on the internet, humans share 98% of our DNA with chimpanzees, but incredibly, we also share 70% with slugs and 50% with bananas.

If God was going to create a banana tree and the banana's on it, did he decide to give banana's 50% of our DNA and why not 0% or 51% etc. Intelligent living things are like biological machines with electrical systems, ways to convert food to energy etc. So a God would have had to designed the machine somehow and not just imagines the complete work. So God could not say, make a lizard..poof... God would have had to design the way all the organs work together etc. and designed the diet, the food, and the means and drives required for the living thing to get that food. Also designed the way the plants that make the food stay alive and function as well.

How are squirrel's able to eat poisonous acorns? Maybe why squirrels bury the acorns in a tree hollow. They are waiting for rainwater to wash the tannic acid out. The poison in acorns has to either be soaked or boiled out of them for humans. Why did God give squirrel's a poisonous food source? But then a lot of our food has poisons in it as well. Bitter almonds grown in the wild, nutmeg, apple seeds etc... some beans. Why add the poisons parts during creation of such things?
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