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Old 11-04-2024, 11:01 PM
Michael K. Michael K. is offline
Join Date: Dec 2021
Posts: 822
Cast Out OF EDEN Emergence. COOEE.

This thread post entitled COOEE is about this universe and how within this
universe came the emergence of what we call life and existence. What was it
that was CAST out of EDEN ? What i am sure of is that it was not those two
souls called Adam and EVE. That is the mythological story supposed to
represent the IDEA of life which emerged out from Divine Spirit.

EDEN was not an abode upon this planet Earth, rather EDEN was a placeless
place within the Absolute SELF/SOURCE of all which was endless BLISS in
PERPETUITY. What was CAST OUT into the eternal void of NO-THING-NESS
was an INTENTION thought WAVE that arose within Absolute MIND and thereby
cast out from its CENTRAL POINT within NOWHERE .

A motional IDEA which went onto manifest a universe. The Absolute IDEA from
within Absolute Mind, then became motional Intelligent ENERGY. This living
energy was the matrix of all to be arising life forms universally. BLISS
PERPETUITY was cast out into motioning MAYHEM which was called CHAOS.
It was BLISS that was cast out of EDEN NOT Adam and EVE.

tbc blessings michael
https://xxxxxbbb.blogspot.comMichael Kirkpatrick
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