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Old 09-04-2024, 07:17 PM
Elements Elements is offline
Join Date: Sep 2023
Posts: 50
hyper sensors awakening

I am not sure exactly where I am at anymore with my awakening, this is my 3rd year into this, and I have never followed influencers or any sort of study, I wanted my awakening experience to come natural to me, I have had many struggles and overcome them eventually, but the last two weeks have been like a rollercoaster for me. I literally thought I was losing my mind, my sensors have been extreme, my last experience was immense anxiety and depression which I got through by not reacting to the emotions, and focusing on the here and now. I was hit with a burst of energy and strength, all my fears dissolved, it is hard to comprehend. Now I seem to be extremely sensitive to things, I can't even watch the tv. I thought I would watch some nature animals while eating my dinner, and I almost cried because the lions attacked an animal, and I couldn't watch it suffer, I had to turn it off. It seems I have connected to nature on a level I am feeling its pain. It is like my body is talking to me and feeling things I never use to, all I can do is surrender to this feeling and try to keep grounded. I am not sure if anyone else been through this or experiencing it? it seems my journey going inwards came to an end and now I am bringing it outwards into a new physical world, I have to find a way to adapt to this and work with these energies I am receiving, any advice greatly appreciated, as what will follow to strengthen the sensors.
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