Thread: Thoughts
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Old 06-04-2024, 10:31 AM
Starman Starman is offline
Join Date: May 2016
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In my opinion: Thoughts and emotions, while different, interact. Thoughts come to us during our waking hours as well as when our body sleeps. We think of things that are similar or different than experiences which we have already had. The basic function of thoughts are to compare and contrast our experiences, so most thoughts are either about memories or desires which we may have.

Experiences are stored in our subconscious, or sublime conscious, mind. Our thoughts compare and contrast what is in our subconscious. We form thoughts out of the energy of our being; the less we think the more our energy is conserved. Thoughts are formed and then they dissipate. They come and go according to our sublime interests, or interests we may have dwelled upon consciously or unconsciously.

Thoughts are things which we give life to in our head. They can embed themselves in our clothing or our immediate surroundings. An empath can sense a person’s thoughts long after that person has left the premises. A telepath can sense thoughts even longer than an empath. Both can even sense emotions long after the person who expressed those emotions has left the area. Thoughts and emotions are entities which we create or express consciously or unconsciously.

The Tibetan Book of the Dead states that when a person dies their benevolent thoughts and feeling take on the shape of angels and their malevolent thoughts and feelings take on the shape of demons; the demons attack us while the angels protect us. Here in human life people are inspired or attacked by their own thoughts. Thoughts are things which we give life to, they live or die according to our will and skill, i.e. self mastery.
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