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Old 04-04-2024, 08:30 PM
Goldcup7 Goldcup7 is offline
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The sense of separation evolves towards unity. The sense or belief of separation gives rise to individual selves and the world, selfishness and competition. As this sense of false separation dissolves we become more at one with the world or what is. The apparently separate self then becomes more at one with the collective, or rather the sense of boundaries dissolves revealing the true nature of oneness.

So naturally humanity will progress towards oneness. Initially this is as individuals being part of groups or nations. Then the dissolving of groups separate from each other and nations separate from each other. This will result in a celebration of variety in oneness, a union of difference and a recognition of oneness. Humans will be aware of the oneness of life. Physically there will still appear a separation, but the recognition will be in the evolution of the mind.

I like to use the bicycle wheel example. At the heart of the wheel there is oneness. As the spokes go out from the centre they seem more separate from each other. Yet the wheel itself is always one, appearing as many. Separateness seems to go out from oneness and then return to oneness. This is the universal flow, whilst remaining timelessly one.
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