Thread: Thoughts
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Old 04-04-2024, 07:28 PM
Bluto Bluto is offline
Join Date: May 2022
Posts: 188
I believe our thoughts come from a field of consciousness in which our higher selves and every other consciousness resides. A field of cosmic consciousness perhaps. Much like how our mobile phones translate and interpret signals into meaningful data on the screens.

More specifically, I don't believe they "come" from there, because to say "come" implies distance travelled, and I think the field of cosmic consciousness is outside of space and time. Spirits tell us there is no time once home in the spirit world, that you can be anywhere in an instant by simply thinking it.

To answer from an entirely different but related angle, I think some thoughts are placed into our earthly consciousness telepathically by non physical entities such as spirit guides and guardian angels, dead loved ones, and certainly our higher selves, all of whom we share the conscious field with. In this regard there is no separation between us and any of those entities. It's perhaps our brains that filter the vast majority of that field out, and almost totally blind us - through a veil of amnesia on top - to the vast cosmic field of consciousness. We would therefore assume thoughts arise independently from our brains. I would disagree. I think we exist continually in the spirit world, but are stuck in a metaphorical prison cell with a few unseen microscopic holes to connect us with the real world. That through those unseen holes comes information from the huge reality that lies on the other side, and we catch senses of it that lead to questions such as "where did that noise/breeze come from?"

Last edited by Bluto : 05-04-2024 at 12:28 AM.
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