Thread: Experiences
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Old 31-03-2024, 11:38 PM
CassandraApollo CassandraApollo is offline
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Join Date: Sep 2023
Posts: 19
Hello Klaatu24

Scars: they don’t bother me. The scars and bruises gave validation to what was happening.

Past life as a ET?: I like your experience about feeling the love, that’s a good memory. For myself, I don’t know for sure. I have memories or know things. Like I had a vision once and I was sitting next to a round fountain, with lots of flowers everywhere. I looked to my right in the distance and see a marble pavilion. There is a table in the middle of the pavilion and a white ET standing next to the table. There is a someone on the table getting a limb regeneration procedure done. I don’t think it was Earth or if it was Earth, it was before recorded time.

Babies in glass tubes: yes, once I saw a lab that had babies in glass tubes. I was standing at the bottom of a flight of stairs. They are wide stairs and look like light oak. There are other people standing with me and I asked who these people are. As we are walking up the stairs, the ET says, they are the youngest and brightest in their fields of science. There were both men and woman in the group of about 6 or 8. When we get to the top of the stairs I look to the left and see a room with glass walls. There are glass and metal containers with babies in them. Then the ET said, here take him to the room down the hallway, pointing to my right. I looked at the ET and said, why am I taking him to the room? The ET said, this is important, it’s your job to keep him calm and quiet. I looked at the babies again and then walked the guy to a room. When I opened the door there was a sofa, so I sat him on it. Then I sat down and put his head on my lap hoping that would keep him asleep. That was all I remember about the visit.

This is something you may find funny. The first time I saw Elon Musk on a video interview, a few years ago, I immediately thought of this visit. When this happened, he would have been in college and the right age to be in the group. Now, I’m wondering if there are little hybrid Elon’s running around the universe.

ET’s in public: Sounds like fun you had at the convention. Have you ever attended at UFO conference?

NDE: do you feel that after your NDE your spiritual door was flung open wider? Before my NDE, I had a little bit ability, after the NDE it was more, but not as much as some people have. The older I get, I can feel it lessoning. If you want to share, what happened during your NDE?

I like your sharing, it’s not long and I’m enjoying talking with you.

Spring visit: this past week has been my Spring visits going on. Last night I slept well, so hope they won’t come back till fall. That is their usual routine, Spring and Fall. I did get an extra visit at the start of COVID. They were upset about COVID, that much I remember. And they gave me a extra shot of something. I didn’t get COVID and wonder if that’s why.

COVID: At the beginning, I can remember people at my job getting sick. This was before anyone knew what was happening. My first thought was, it’s airborne and dangerous whatever this is. It was around the same time when I got a early visit and was injected. I remember that clearly, because it was the first time in many years that I was awake during the transport part. I also remember a co-work looking at me suspiciously and said, why didn’t you get sick when we all caught it? I smiled and said, I take supplements to boost my immune system.

Tests: Have you ever had the scan that lights up your body and you can see inside your body like a 3d image? I loved that test.

Protection: Have you been protected from physical harm? I have had near misses with harm and wonder if it’s Angels or ET’s that protect me.

And one more question for now. Have you ever been monitored by the MIB? I have, my computer, phone calls and by car. I have this recurring thought sometimes, of them pulling up to my job or house or wherever I am, and they tell me, it's time to go. I would probably say something like, is there pizza where we're going?
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