Thread: Experiences
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Old 28-03-2024, 07:25 AM
Klaatu24 Klaatu24 is offline
Join Date: Oct 2015
Posts: 152
CassandraApollo, thanks for getting more in-depth about the time you were taken from the car. And so sorry to read about the person who froze seeing the headlights of the car. That's so horrible to have that happen, especially after an ET experience!

That's so cool about having the 1" square scar -- I think scars from ETs are fun and special, though others might have an opposite reaction. I'm not sure how you feel about it though.

OMG -- your child sneaking into a waiting area you were in -- SOOO sweet that she risked seeing you! When she said "I'm not supposed to be in here" her charisma reminded me of you, when you'd wake people up and wonder off and had words with a reptilian. Hmmm, like mother like daughter?

I leaned down next to one of the Whites at the desk, and said, I think I’m one of you.

Some people remember past lives as ETs. Do you have any memories?

I'm not sure if I had one or not (though I hope so). In this Earth life, decades ago, I woke up in the middle of the night, with two beings staring at me from the window (I'm two floors up). They were flooding me with so much love -- I've NEVER felt so much love before! They faded away after about a minute. After they were gone, I realized they were grays and they sure felt like a mom and dad. While typing this, I can't say for sure if they were my mom and dad in another life. But whatever relationship we have (if there is one), their love sure blew me away!

Many years ago, before this memory, I woke up one morning fully expecting to see the reflection of a White ET in my mirror. I was scared to get out of bed and look in the mirror. I even formulated a plan for how I was going to get in my car without anyone seeing my ET eyes. And where I was going to hideout.

So scary! Sure sounds like an ET was there, since you've had so many experiences, I'm sure you're used to the way it feels when they're in the same room.

Once, I looked in a mirror shortly after waking up and standing up. Suddenly had a memory of standing in that same place the night before, looking into the mirror, only two grays were standing on both sides of me, and we were all looking in the mirror. It wasn't scary though. Which is weird because whenever they do show up, I still get scared of them, even though I've known about the grays for so long.

Gosh, that's so wonderful being able to see the Secret School with Constance and Whitley!

My questions, if you want to answer:
Do you ever remember the transport part? I love feel weightless while floating in the beam of light.

I don't remember a beam of light. But one time I woke up at night, my eyes stayed closed as a man grabbed my hand. I knew it was really important that I do not take my hand away from his. Then we lifted up through the air at about a million miles an hour. Just going up and up and up. The whole time, all I felt was the air being incredibly strong and rushing all over me, and that our hands were still attached. It lasted maybe half a minute. Then I don't remember anything else. I think that was the only time they took me through the air like that. But two other times, I remember floating out the window along with ETs. I don't remember all the other times.

Have you ever been taken with others?

Not that I remember. (Although with the one memory of my sister being on the spaceship, it's possible I was taken along with her and just don't remember.)

Do you have children there?

Sure. I know three, but I think there's a lot more. Have also seen four grandchildren.

Have you ever seen the lab with the babies in the glass containers?

Nope. I've read about them though. Have you seen them?

Have all your experiences been positive? Mine are mix of positive and negative.

A mix. When I was a baby and toddler, they were positive. When I was 6, it turned scary. There were other races. Some seemed to like scaring me. But when I was around 26 or 27, I realized the grays could've killed me a long time ago, if that's what they were going to do. And realized that I was more scared of some humans than I was of them. So, I started thinking of the grays with a lot of love, and then a lot of abductions started to happen with the loving ETs and the clinical ETs. I started recognizing more of them and gave some of them nicknames.

Have you ever had dreams about ET hybrids living openly on Earth?

Nope. But I've read about them.

At a pop culture convention about two years ago, in a large ballroom with standing room only, there were lots of cosplayers (people dressed in costumes). I was looking around and spotted two similar cosplayers standing together next to a wall, in full-body Power Rangers costumes. Since the cosplays were full-body, head to toe, you couldn't see any part of their real bodies. Could not take my eyes off them for a few minutes. They seemed really friendly and talked with each other once in a while. It really seemed like they were ETs "hiding" under the cosplays. I could've been wrong. But it was the same feeling I get when ETs are around. If they were ETs -- that'd be an excellent way to have fun with a bunch of humans around though, eh? To hide inside cosplays. If I was wrong though, it sure was a cool fantasy!

Have you any experience with spiritual matters? I have a little bit of remote viewing, dream about something that will happen in future, can feel when there will be a mass loss of life somewhere on the planet, go ahead of myself in time, feel what people are thinking, have a knowing about events, speak a language I don’t know, had NDE, can feel Earth changes. Oh, and crows tell me when someone I know will be passing on.

Amazing you can do all that! Yes I've had lots of spiritual things happen, and have had an NDE, but not as skilled as you are. Hopefully, I'll get as skilled someday!

Sorry this post is so long.
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