Thread: Experiences
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Old 24-03-2024, 09:09 PM
CassandraApollo CassandraApollo is offline
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Posts: 18
I listened to the audio clip and they are correct, humanity won't evolve until the fighting stops. And yes, there are human organizations that know all about the ET's and have exchanged info for us.

Recently I saw this video on Youtube you might find interesting. It's about a man, Paul Amadeus Dienach, that went to 3906. Everything he said, is what I've know my entire life. Did I get the info from the ET's? Yes I think so. They are interdimensional, so I'm thinking they can move thru time also.

I tried to put a link here, but it wouldn't let me. On youtube its, The Why Files and the title is, He Spent a Year in 3906 | This is what Paul Amadeus Dienach saw.
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