Thread: Experiences
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Old 24-03-2024, 06:32 PM
CassandraApollo CassandraApollo is offline
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Join Date: Sep 2023
Posts: 18
Reply to Klaatu

No need to apologize for not responding right away, just when you have time. And I know what it’s like to use a public computer. I’ve used them at the library in the past.

I’ll respond in the order of the paragraphs you wrote. So much to talk about and I don’t want to get lost in it all. And I’ll enter my questions at the end. Plus, I’m looking for a reason to not do yard work. 😊

First negative experience: I was the only one taken that night, from what I remember. We all saw the craft in the field to the right of the car. We were on a gravel road in the middle of farmland. The friend we were bringing home, lived in a farmhouse across the field. We were all talking/screaming at the same time saying: omg it’s a UFO, drive faster to my house, what if they got my family, no we need to go back to town and get guns, guns won’t work against a UFO, take me home, my family my family, I can’t start the car.

After I was brought back to the car and we went on our way, no one was speaking. It was like my memory of the past hour, maybe less than one hour, was gone. I remember only the quiet, how everyone in the car was quiet. After we dropped off our friend, we went back to town, to the group of friends we were with in a parking lot. I do remember someone saying, hey what took you all so long?

Something strange/tragic did happen that same night. One of the people who was in the car with me was standing between two cars in the parking lot we were all in. I can’t remember exactly what happened, he got caught between two moving cars and damaged his leg. I can remember later people were wondering why he did not move when he saw the cars moving. It was like he was frozen there and couldn’t move. It was so bad his leg was amputated. To this day, I wonder if what the ETs did to freeze them, is what made him freeze seeing the headlights of the car.

Many years later I asked my brother about that night, and he didn’t remember anything about the ET’s.

Scars: So good that they healed your scars. I had a friend once who would come back with scoop marks in his legs. The only other mark I have is a 1” square inside my right elbow. When it was fresh in the 1990’s, I asked a Dr. about it. He said it looks like a laser mark. It has faded a lot and over the years. Now I only notice it when I get a blood dot/scab from when they inject me there.

Children: Yes, I’ve seen my children, a few. Only one after she was grown. She was happy, has my personality and my hair. Her eyes are like the white ETs, but a little smaller and her body is like theirs. She sneaked into a waiting area I was in. She was smiling and said, I’m not supposed to be in here, but I had to meet you. She hugged me and said, I’m leaving and going far away, and I won’t have the chance to meet you again. Thank you. She then left waiting area. I don’t have earthly children, so it was nice to know at least one hybrid is doing well.

Reptilian: They don’t scare me, and I don’t know why. This was the only time I remember seeing a Reptilian. This is how it went; from the open area, I start to run down a hallway and see a reptilian blocking my way. He is so close I could reach out and touch him, maybe 12” between us. I look up at him to see his eyes are amber color with horizontal pupils. It’s been many years since this happened, so hope I can remember it correctly.

Rep: You are not behaving properly, you must behave.
Me: Who are you?
Rep: I am your father, and you must listen to me.
Me: I know you can’t physically harm me.
Rep: You must listen to me.
Me: Well, I guess YOU have a problem now, don’t YOU? I emphasized the YOU. Your problem, not mine.
Rep: Very loud sigh, take her back and watch her closely.

The Whites: The last memory I have of the Whites, was a few years ago. I am standing in a room that looks like a control room. There are screens along a wall and Whites sitting at what looks like a desktop and there are controls built-in to the desktops. Hard to explain, just think Star Trek helm. Anyway, I am talking with two Whites and a human. Then I turnaround to leave the room, I leaned down next to one of the Whites at the desk, and said, I think I’m one of you. She looked shocked and didn’t say anything, just stared at me. I smiled and kept walking.

Many years ago, before this memory, I woke up one morning fully expecting to see the reflection of a White ET in my mirror. I was scared to get out of bed and look in the mirror. I even formulated a plan for how I was going to get in my car without anyone seeing my ET eyes. And where I was going to hideout.

Whitley Streiber: yes, saw him walking with a White ET on ship. When I say walking freely, it’s because the ET was not holding on to him, like they do with me. I was being walked by two greys. This one time I remember for other reasons, than seeing Whitley. I knew it happened because the next day, I had the 3 tiny fingerprint bruises under my upper arms. When I saw him, I stopped walking and they had to grab on tight. When I turned my head to look again, he turned his also and looked at me again.

It was around this same time that I went to the Secret School with Whitley. During this time, I was writing a book with Constance Clear. She had met Whitley and I think he lived in the area at the time. Constance was just getting started working with Experiencers. He invited her to see where his Secret School is, the one he wrote about in one of his books. She asked if I could come along, and he said yes. He swore us to secrecy, never tell anyone where it is. I was okay with that and respected his privacy. I don’t remember if I saw him on the ship before or after seeing the secret school area.

After seeing him on the ET ship, I saw Whitley at a house party. At one point during the evening, I found myself standing next to him. It wasn’t intentional, just mingling and moving about. We both look at each other at the same time. I smiled and was about to say, nice to see you again. Then suddenly, he quickly moved away. I immediately thought about the ET ship and how he’s in cahoots with the ET’s. I laughed to myself the remainder of the evening.

Planet with purple sky: I don’t remember if I saw it on a screen or it was planted in my mind. There were times when I would go into a theater of sorts and watch whatever was on the screen or listen to talks. I’ve spoken with others who have seen same planet.

My questions, if you want to answer:
Do you ever remember the transport part? I love feel weightless while floating in the beam of light.
Have you ever been taken with others?
Do you have children there?
Have you ever seen the lab with the babies in the glass containers?
Have all your experiences been positive? Mine are mix of positive and negative.
Have you ever had dreams about ET hybrids living openly on Earth?

Have you any experience with spiritual matters? I have a little bit of remote viewing, dream about something that will happen in future, can feel when there will be a mass loss of life somewhere on the planet, go ahead of myself in time, feel what people are thinking, have a knowing about events, speak a language I don’t know, had NDE, can feel Earth changes. Oh, and crows tell me when someone I know will be passing on.
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