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Old 09-03-2024, 03:58 AM
Starman Starman is offline
Join Date: May 2016
Location: U.S. Southwest
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As previously stated, there is a difference between being alone and being isolated. There are married couples who have stopped showing each other affection and they may feel isolated even though they live together. I have talked to lots of women who felt lonely in their marriage, also adults who had little kids at home and those adults felt lonely.

People tend to use other people like a drug, to get their emotional fix or their sexual fix, their need for affection, etc. An when they are not getting their emotional needs met, regardless whether they are living with someone or not, that is when loneliness sets in. But living alone does not automatically mean being isolated. Lots of people who feel spiritually connected never get lonely even though they may live alone.

Some people are just more emotionally needy then others; some need more attention than others. When I was a counselor I used to tell people if you have no one to hug you then hug your self, give your self affection and love. Get a pet, a dog or a cat, which is what a lot of people do these days who live alone, and they say they receive unconditional love from their pets.
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