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Old 08-03-2024, 12:47 PM
Redchic12 Redchic12 is offline
Join Date: Oct 2022
Posts: 2,922
Altair…….” there's also the advantages of someone looking out for you, build something with, explore the world, and there are financial advantages when buying a house for instance.

Yes that may be true for a lot of people but it’s certainly not true for me. I have wonderful friends and neighbours who all look out for each other and often give a helping hand wherever it’s needed. I personally prefer to travel alone (or only with a close friend) And I do t need help with buying a house cos I already own one and financially I made sure many many years ago to set myself up financially for when I was older and it’s worked out good for me (so far) lol

Perhaps it’s different for women than men because we can ask for help easier than a man can and we can share our problems easier than men can and we hug and touch one another a lot easier as well. So maybe those few things makes living alone for us easier as well.

I’m not knocking men. I’m just looking at how we are biologically made and the advantages that each have.
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