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Old 08-03-2024, 11:11 AM
FairyCrystal FairyCrystal is offline
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Originally Posted by Altair
....We are obviously social creatures....

Besides intimacy, sex, and doing stuff together there's also the advantages of someone looking out for you, build something with, explore the world, and there are financial advantages when buying a house for instance. More possibilities.
Totally agree!!
Even though I like to be alone as well, always have. But that is due to childhood trauma in groups, my C-PTSD that's behind that preference.

But in essence we are social creatures, not meant to live like hermits or by ourselves. Even I can feel it, and I can be alone so well that I have to occasionally kick myself out the door, out of my comfort zone.

You can of course be single and have a very rich social life. But even then you miss out on a lot of important stuff, the intimacy and closeness you have with a partner. You don't have that with friends, not the same way.
And that intimacy is vital to our well-being!
Physical touch is crucial, non-sexual physical touch. It gives us a boost of our gender specific hormones which we need in order to be healthy physically, mentally & emotionally.

Intimacy, touch, social contact (and with a partner is again much closer than any other contact), strengthens our immune system, reduces stress and with that it keeps our cardio-vascular system healthy & strong.

Just a few important advantages.

I too miss out on that since I am both single and have a very meagre social life. I don't work either due to ailments, so I don't even have human interaction at work.
I feel great, in a sense better as I don't get triggered by anyone this way.
BUT I am fully aware it isn't healthy.
And if I slow down, tune into myself, I feel lonely as bleep. I recently became aware of that with exercises from my polyvagal book (C-PTSD)... So even though I cheerfully say I love being by myself it's not true. When I'm honest I'm horribly lonely.

We need other people around us for our health & well-being on all levels. That means people in all circles, periphery, outer AND inner! Short interactions with people like in shops, friends and family, a partner.
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