Thread: Who am I
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Old 29-02-2024, 03:24 AM
Unseeking Seeker Unseeking Seeker is online now
Join Date: Sep 2018
Location: Delhi, India
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As the transcendent
All that is is Self
Self alone

To feel contrast
The one becomes two
In the manifest universe
As polarities orbiting
Fulcrum of love

Thus trika or three
Male, female and void
As in the kundalini process
Shakti and Shiva
Unite in heart

Pangs of separation
The bliss of union
First concealing
Then revealing
It is a pulse

Now we are one as Self
Always were, are and will be
But our awareness is stuporous
And so on ensouling organic form
The earth interface, ego takes control
Then we believe we are this body
so go through life in trance
Oblivious to the truth

Silence & Stillness
Or thought cessation
Slowly dissolves the ego
Revealing light of true Self
Ego lost, Self reclaimed
In our active cognition
Awareness awake
Dream ends

As a disclaimer
Knowing is not becoming
Because assimilation yet awaits
Of awareness embodied seamlessly
Within in an unbroken continuum
Through waking and dreaming
As also deep sleep state
As the light of Self

Self is complete
Pulsating in a singularity
Renewing itself within itself
It is a soft white self-existent light
In time and space dissolved ineffable peace
Requiring no coming or going or doing to be done
Self as awareness self-aware has no attribute
With full freedom but content as it is
So why then shift into duality
But to grow in wisdom
Blossom in love
The Self has no attribute
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