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Old 25-02-2024, 05:40 AM
Ewwerrin Ewwerrin is offline
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Originally Posted by Unseeking Seeker

The word ‘new’ suggests that at some point in time there existed something else which was old or at least different.
You have mentioned here the humanity's greatest misunderstanding. The idea of "something else" and "time".
There is only 1 place and 1 moment and 1 thing. And I'll give evidence later.

Since this one moment and place has always been and always will be, it cannot always have been and always will be. Because there is no past for it to always have been. And there is no future for it to always will be. This may be uncomfortable for many people to understand, at first. But it is absolute reality. it is nondual. Absolute. Unique. It exists as the only thing that exists, and because it is the only thing, there is no outside or inside, there is no reflection, it is absolutely without limit. It never changes and it has never changed. But more importantly, it cannot never have changed, because time does not exist outside of our flawed relative and imagined measurement of it. So to be true, one has to say, NOW HAS NEVER CHANGE AND IT CANNOT CHANGE.

What we perceive as change, is not change. It is simply the Unchanging Absoluteness of the Uniqueness of Existence itself.

Existence doesnt have to change in order to be unique. It has no outside to limit it. or compare it. Most importantly, existence cannot be compared, because it is everything. And therefor, it is 1. And therefor, it's Uniqueness is ABSOLUTE. What does that mean?

Well, to explain, I have to use the flawed understanding that humans have of time, because otherwise you cannot understand. You cannot bridge your misunderstanding into understanding, unless you hear the truth in a flawed language and then unleash it.

So here it goes, bridge for truth, Existence has always existed and will always exist. Which means this here and now moment is the exact same moment as trillions to power of trillions of years ago.

Truth without bridge. There is only this moment and this place. This is infinite. Eternal. Timeless. Unchanging. Absolute. Nondual. Absolute in Uniqueness. The most Unique.

bridge for truth: Every moment is and has always been unique. And always will be unique. Absolutely Unique. In its entirety.

truth: There is only one moment. We have not been here for ever. We ARE here for ever. And now is forever UNCHANGINGLY unique.

If you look at it twice, you will experience that it keeps changing. THAT change does NOT exist. Because there are no two moments to experience something.

What you are experiencing is not change. It is the unchanging and absolute UNIQUENESS of EXISTENCE ITSELF.

Why is it Unique? Because it cannot do anything other than be unique. infinitely and eternally. And why is that? Because Existence has no equivalence. Non-existence, by definition, does not exist. So there is no opposite to existence. It is the only thing that is for ever Unique, Absolutely Unique.

If you look at your clock, 12 o clock today and 12 o clock yesterday. These are two different things. Then why are they both called 12 o clock? It is not a real thing. Time is made up. It is a tool to think. And the earth orbit, is different every single year. There exists no real circle in existence. There exists no repetition. You may call it similar, but it is never the exact same. Everything is forever unique, because everything is existence itself and existence is absolutely Unique, because non existence doesnt exist.

Everything is therefor, always and forever and every when and everywhere, NEW.
Old is just an imaginary idea in your head. It has no reality whatsoever. Just like Time has no reality whatsoever. But it does have effect on humanity for as long as we choose to believe it. We cannot change reality, we can only change the way and how we look at it.

And the absolute nondual truth is thus New. Ungraspable, unimaginable. Can't hold on it. Cant get away from it. It is New.

Originally Posted by Unseeking Seeker
So firstly we have this vs that and secondly we have flow of time in which at least two objects can be compared.
Everything is not only infinitely Unique. It is infinite.
Everything is thus New.

In non-duality there is only one pulse renewing itself within itself outside of space-time, as in direct experience.
Pulses dont exist. There is no time in which pulses can exist. And there exists no repetition for pulses to be measured. We believe in these things, but they have absolutely no reality whatsoever. Look in nature, and you will never ever find evidence of these patterns.

They may look similar. And humanity loves patterns they perceive, but all of these patterns we believe in, doesnt change reality. They are not actual real things that exist. The reality is very simple. Everything is Unique. And thus New.

We are here in this body-mind, in duality, which arises from singularity, is created, sustained and transformed/destroyed from the intelligent living energy of Self or let us say God.
No, you are not in duality. You can believe that you are in duality, but the reality will not change. Only your experience of it changes. Duality is like wearing tinted glasses. If you take them off, you'll see the absolute reality. Which is nonduality, absolute truth, absolute uniqueness and absolute newness. With no equivallence. It is ungraspable. Unimaginable. It is forever New. Unknowable. It is New.

Do you understand me now?

Let's continue.

Look at heartbeat, breath, oceanic tides, orbit of earth around sun … there is a birth, a beginning, a preservation, nurturing and then finally death or a transformation.
There is nothing wrong with believing in these things, but they are not real realities. Every single heartbeat or breath is undefinable, because it is infinitely unique. Therefor it is all the same moment and same one thing. Reality is so New and unknowable that your heartbeat and the frequency of a spoon, if investigated deeply enough, will reveal that they are both equally infinite and thus equally the same one exact same one thing. It is the Absolute Uniqueness and Absolute newness.
Everything is so new and unique that we cannot describe it. Birth, unknowable undescribable.
So you can imagine whatever you want to be true and it will be true in your experience, but not in absolute non duality.
Death, literally does not exist. No one has ever been dead. Dying is simply an imagined reality. It is experienced as real, but is an illusion. Nothing more. And death is just a concept. No one is dead. Ask all the dead people. There is not one single dead person who has ever said that they are dead.

To understand the absolute reality and truth, you have to have a solid foundation. One that is simple so it wont collapse under its own weight. And that foundation is simple. It is nondual and absolute and irreplacable. It is absolute in uniqueness and thus newness itself with no equivallence. This foundation is so simple: Existence exists, non existence doesn't exist. Therefor existence is absolute in its Uniqueness and Newness.

So there is no change, consciousness is an illusion.

This is borne out as the actions of the trinity, which in Hindu scriptures is Brahma (creation), Vishnu (preservation) and Shiva (destruction). Taking the trinity as one, the manifestation appears as a pulse in time, whereas in singularity, the same pulse is outside of time and space.
The experience of these concepts are real. But the reality is nothing like unto it.
These are helpful tools. Helpful perspectives. One can use them to view the world in a certain way to fulfill a certain experience. But in reality, you can literally imagine directly whatever you want and it will be true.
Creation is the mind. What we believe it to be, is what we will experience it to be.
But the absolute truth will never change, no matter what we believe.
That is nonduality. That is absoluteness. Absolute newness.
The moment you define it, it has come out of the mind. The mind can only know what has happened. The mind cannot know what is happening.... Because what is TRUELY happening, is a NON-HAPPENING. Existence does not change. It will never change. It will always be Unique. Forever. It will always be new. You cannot grasp that or hold on to it. You cannot run away from it. Now is new. Now is new. Without changing, without becoming, existence is being Unique. That's the only thing it can be. It is New

Taking the trinity as one, the manifestation appears as a pulse in time, whereas in singularity, the same pulse is outside of time and space.
You are very intelligent. You have found these patterns in your own experience.
And they are therefor true. And therefor a real reality. Because you believe in it. And as long as you do, it will be real and true.
And if you change your believe, your reality will change.

Absolute reality does not change. It is always being Unique and New to infinity and beyond.

Consider deep meditation leading to samadhi... ...We no longer experience the flame, we become the flame. So, singularity.
This is an experience that you create, by focusing the mind on a certain frequency/thing, which will cause that thought to grow and gain more power/momentum, untill as you say, you become one with that idea and it is felt and it then becomes a reality. Because the mind matched the frequency, it became a clear receiver&transmitter of that reality which is focused from mind into manifestation. This is called deliberate creation.

Because you feel bliss, it means your mind is creating and recreating that which is in alignment with absolute truth.

Love is singular...
... dissolved ineffable peace.
That's a great way to align with absolute reality. Very nice. Thanks for sharing that

Phenomena (dual)...
... transmute.
Well, I have not much experience with these terms. But I'm pretty sure the experience of it will always be New.

Take prayer. There is an..
... awareness is focused or unfocused.
I can only agree with your last part. Got nothing to add to that.
Sharing perspective.
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