Thread: Blocked ears
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Old 19-02-2024, 12:58 PM
Redchic12 Redchic12 is offline
Join Date: Oct 2022
Posts: 2,933
Well FairC. I totally get we’re your coming from and you have expressed it extremely well. Yes I started smoking for the exact same reasons and have tried everything under the sun, patches, books, mouth sprays, tablets…..the lot! I actually succeeded for a few years when I was competing then slowly went back to it. I’m in my seventies now, still smoking, although not a lot and you know, I couldn’t care less about it anymore, cos I’ve had an awesome life, been everywhere, done everything, achieved everything I wanted, and had no major health issues ever. I’ve only been in hospital twice to have two babies and apart from the usual cold I’ve never been ill and still not.

What is quite funny is that I live in an “over 55s” complex where other women all in their sixties and seventies are complaining about their hip replacement, arthritic limbs, heart problems, knee problems, blood pressure problems and they’re in and out of hospital and here I am the only one who doesn’t have any health issues, and I’m the only smoker. So it makes ya wonder doesn’t it.

Yeah I know I’m gonna have lots of comments coming back to me on this one but ive heard it all before and tbh I couldn’t care less what other people think about me. Life’s too short for that.
When my number is up, it’s up, and I will leave with a smile on my face and feeling like a happy little bunny!

Just for the record…….heroin is easier to come, off than nicotine. Fact.
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