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Old 19-02-2024, 10:34 AM
AngelBlue AngelBlue is offline
Join Date: Nov 2022
Posts: 5,600
Hi Cosmic.
I think the dream speaks for itself in many ways.
Aphrodite , a goddess of love and desire. In your mind this woman is like her.
Aphrodite had many lovers , and in your dream your love interest had what I can only assume we're lovers .
So even though you might think of her as a pure , beautiful woman she might not quite fit into that pedestal you see her on.
The little boy in the dream with the empty platter is you.
Holding out the platter in the hope it can be filled with all the love you desire.

Maybe the person that said "you have to do something first" means just that.
You really are going to find / have that live that you crave, but before that happens you gave a little work to do , either on yourself or in other areas...
But this is only my own guy feeling COS , and I could be way off mark.
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