Thread: Blocked ears
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Old 17-02-2024, 11:10 AM
FairyCrystal FairyCrystal is offline
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[quote=Redchic12]Putting the drops near the entrance may not have the required effect.[quote]
NOrmally, with olive oil for ear wax, I use a tea spoon, then lay on my side for at least 3 mins. You can then feel it go deeper and deeper and then kind of distort sound as it reaches the eardrum.

But since Castor oil is thicker I bought a dropper so I can use that. That way I can get a wee bit deeper but as I lay on my side for at least 3 - 5 mins, it gets warm and thinner. I basically wait for it to reach the eardrum, which you can tell as it distorts/dims sound. It also feels a bit odd, you can actually feel it on your eardrum.

Originally Posted by Redchic12
You poor thing…….six months! Omg that would drive most of us crazy.
Hope you get relief soon.
Thank you!
First-ever ear infection, and it got me good, haha. It hadn't caused me problems in a while as the treatment of the naturopath worked great! It was almost gone in December but the droplets and cream I had were finished and he didn't tell me to continue with them. Probably thinking it'd continue to heal.
After about a months I began to suspect it going wrong again, ever so slightly.
Thank goodness I went to GP in time (I hope) so it doesn't go from "almost" to "bad".

And you know what I'm VERY happy about?! My eardrum being closed again. After 6 months I can finally go in the shower without covering my left ear!! YAY!
May sound odd, but I'm actually excited about that, hahaha.
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