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Old 16-02-2024, 02:14 AM
FallingLeaves FallingLeaves is online now
Join Date: Mar 2014
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Originally Posted by Michael K.
Mountains are alive, mineral based life, the occult teaching are that rocks are
life in a state of "profound Lethargy".

not so much lethargy, just things happen over a much longer time span. Same way humans live to 100 years or less and trees can live hundreds of years, rocks have a much much longer time span so they don't have to move as 'fast' as humans or trees do...

ive wondered if you look over thousands and thousands of years, can rocks 'move' themselves closer to other 'like' rocks? Humans would say no to such preposterous ideas but the real answer is noone has looked that long to see one way or the other....
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