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Old 02-02-2024, 03:18 PM
FairyCrystal FairyCrystal is offline
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I don't think it has to do with 'doom and gloom' but with a newly awakened group of people.
The awakening happens in waves and sometimes there's a bit of a dip in between those wave.
It was said that especially the pandemic triggered a lot of people to wake up. Many of those were the once that were complaining and protesting the loudest. That because they felt the new coming in as they were on the brink of awakening, and that new scared them. The old is familiar, even when unpleasant or unhealthy. Not knowing what & how the new is going to be scares many. Hence many latching on to the old and familiar.

But the revival of interest in crystal skulls that I was talking about was from before the pandemic. Approx. 2018.
The crystal shop I mostly buy from didn't have them for the longest time, felt the same way I did: the new finds of crystals have higher energy than the crystal skulls did.
But around 2018 they suddenly had a number of crystal skulls for sale regardless!
And they still do. Not a great many, some 10 tops I think.

I do know a fellow Dutchman who lives in Brazil and his work is selling crystal skulls. It's why he eventually moved to Brazil. He is in contact with the Brazilian carvers -among the best if not the best in the world- and he ships worldwide.
THe other day he had a new batch in, I think 20 at least. He cleanses, charges and sits with them etc. before selling them.
It never takes a lot of time for new skulls to find a new home & guardian.
So in that sense the business seems to be booming.
Now of course those are all high vibrational, top quality crystal skulls, logical as they're made from Brazilian quartz.
The so called 'hand made' Chinese ones aren't hand-made at all, unless you count placing them in a machine as 'hand-made', nor is the quality and vibration to write home about.

Just look at Skullis' skulls. Good quality crystal for sure, but... they sell the weirdest carvings, including Alien (from the movie), skulls with opened gob, about to bite a chunk out of you and so on. They look scary! I'd never ever buy something like that.
That is not what real crystal skull guardians want or work with. So I think the Chinese don't understand it at all. Probably not part of their culture, I don't think any of the ancient skulls resided in China either.

To underwrite that not understanding... I bought a rose quartz angel with nicely carved wings that are spread out.
But... she has boobs??? I mean, seriously???
That's China for ya, haha.
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