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Old 30-01-2024, 04:06 PM
Starman Starman is offline
Join Date: May 2016
Location: U.S. Southwest
Posts: 2,829
Why did you hang around with her? Once you learn that a person is toxic you need to protect yourself by either avoiding that person or trying to get that person help. Although lots of people play one-ups-men-ship with other people; those people are often very insecure.

I find it is necessary to protect my own inner peace and also to protect my own energy, regardless whether it is a friend, lover, or family member. What and who you let into your life will effect you. Toxic people can poison you but you do have personal boundaries and personal power to avoid such poisoning.

You can not change other people but you can change how you interact with other people. Personally I do not hang around with negative people and if they want to know why, I tell them about their negativity.
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