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Old 26-01-2024, 10:23 AM
Starman Starman is offline
Join Date: May 2016
Location: U.S. Southwest
Posts: 2,814
Divination is a communion with our deeper being. Our deeper being exists in a realm of oneness, and that oneness is not restricted by time or place. It does not matter how we commune with our deeper being as long as it is a true connection. We can do readings online, we can use rocks to do a reading, or sticks, or cards, it does not matter as long as we are clear and focused.

Readings are a meditation and a prayer to our deeper being. The meditation is in our being clear and focused, the prayer is the question which we direct to the divine. Readings are intuitive and intuition comes from another realm. The magic is not in the cards, on in an online computer program, rather the magic is inside of you. Your deeper being will use any tool that you want to use to communicate with it in the way that you want to do it. In my opinion.
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