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Old 20-01-2024, 11:13 AM
vibrations vibrations is offline
Join Date: May 2023
Posts: 151
Thank you seeker, it explains why I was led to my Druid path through my awakening in this life, I am studying this to help me remember, and having vivid dreams. I feel like I am part of a puzzle and pieces are coming to me to fit together. Yet I am also going through another connection to native Indian the hopi, I am drawn to Peru, I have had out of body experiences with the moi heads, they tell me what to paint in my dreams, now paint the turtle they say, the blue star flower being one and an egg in the centre which rises as life, I have been in the belly of the mountain, and traveled through the serpents belly, I have seen the meaning of Lakota, its guided me and still with me, the female Dragon awakens in my visions. what I have read is that Atlantans shared their finding to the Egyptians, who communicated tot he druids and indians.

Last edited by vibrations : 20-01-2024 at 10:50 PM.
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